2. Change the request for AXIOS when the interceptor Request. const agent = new https.Agent({.
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try { await axios.get('/bad-call') } catch (error) { const err = error as AxiosError if (err.response) { console.log(err.response.status) console.log(err.response.data) } .... SSL handshake failures - bad client certificate · TLS/SSL handshake failures ... To determine the message ID of the failing request using the Trace Tool: ... Repeat step 3 and step 4 for a few more failing API requests and verify if you are seeing ... To diagnose these kinds of problems, your first job is to figure out whether the .... AXELOS is unable to issue replacement certificates, but we can provide you with a Certificate Confirmation Letter. Since 1 January 2018, PeopleCert is the sole ... 939c2ea5af